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Monday 3 October 2011

Fantasy or Reality?

So, there I am and she says to me, she says "I'm going a trekkin' and this is where I intend to explore."

And I says to her, I says, "Because you intend to visit in a predominantly old school Muslim area, there are practicalities you'll need to be aware of. For example, you can't dress like a North American over there. It could get you dead. Or worse..."

So, she says to me, she says, "That's bullshit! That's not what I signed on for! You're a dirty rotten motherfucker."

Then I says to her, I says, "Don't hate the player, baby, hate the game. I didn't create the customs, I'm just reporting facts. If you don't like those facts, don't go a trekkin' there."

You don't have to like the rules of Monopoly, you can choose not to play. Either way, it doesn't really matter, it's just a game.

But if you say you are having a Monopoly party. And all your poker buddies show up ready for a good time, Monopoly styles. And THEN you spring on them that you've modified the rules so the odds of winning are more stacked in your favour... well, ain't nobody gonna buy those lottery tickets. They will call you a jive turkey motherfucker and drink all your beer and puke in your wife's begonias on the way out.

The even greater faux pas is when you're all "Haha, guys! I really invited you out here, to this cabin in the woods, so we could play Twister." Sure, it might turn into that gay porno fantasy you've always wanted but it might also result in the beating of your life.

The rules of the Sugar Dating Game are simple, you pay for her time, she gives you her time. If you develop intimacy, woohoo!! And if you don't, you simply bid each other adieu with a friendly smile.

For the record, stop taking it all so personally. I don't mean "you" you. Especially about the Monopoly porno fantasy, it's nothing to be ashamed of. In all seriousness, if you feel resonance with a story or musing, rest assured that lotsa readers share your excitement and/or misery. You choose which.

These ramblings are intended  to educate and elevate OUR understanding of the Land of Sugar. Simply because we want to navigate here well. To avoid shitting all over local custom we relieve ourselves of our ignorance by learning... ahem "School of Sugar" ;)

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