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Sunday 25 September 2011

Oh Yay, It's Story Time!!

Once upon a time, way back in the day, there was a world much different than ours. Though in objective reality, it was pretty much the same but I digress...  Once upon a time, according to some legends, we were hairier and much more primitive. We lived in caves and had rudimentary language with which to express our intentions. It was strictly a game of survival of the fittest. Or surviving makes you the fittest, however that shakes down.

So, one day, back in the day, a young male of the species awoke earlier than the rest of the group piled together for warmth overnight. He lay there listening to the pterodactyls or magpies. The accounts are sketchy so it could have been a coyote he heard calling out. Opening his eyes he surveyed his existence. It wasn't so bad, sleeping in the huddle but it wasn't so great either. His cost benefit analysis left him unsatisfied.

Naturally he could only feel these concepts because the language wasn't there to help him define what his physiology was trying to express. But when he looked up at the cave where the alpha slept and imagined the coziness and the ease that might come with it, he knew what he had to do. He had to upstage that motherfucker, plain and simple. He drifted back to sleep, easier in his mind.

Later he awoke with the business of surviving well under way and he got some looks and grunts of dissatisfaction from the rest of the group. He knew he'd overslept and that as far as surviving goes, that was a good way not to survive. He finally understood the relationship between discipline and getting into that warm cave up there out of the wind. The revelation of the early morning came rushing back to him and he set out about his tasks with a boundless energy.

Watching him, his group replaced their pouty faces with contented expressions. This was the contract, and they were happy he was back on board. But as the day wore on a question plagued the young male. 'WHY do I want to usurp the cave? The alpha is awesome...' It was great to be taken care of and part of this collection of survivalists. He had a place, it was all figured out and he didn't have to worry about it.

He began watching his people carefully. Grunt, grunt, gesture, gesture. 'What the hell am I even looking for?' And then he saw it, everyone had their place, not just him! Even that mystical one that makes cave drawings a few counties over. There was even someone to deliver the Cave Fried Chicken to the mystical one. He'd gone once and it was really cool. But again I digress.

His gaze happened upon some young females doing their thing to keep the group alive. He felt so much joy and admiration for their contributions. He really liked that feeling. But when he looked back at the other males some of it disappeared. He still felt gratitude but some of the glow went away. Looking back toward the females his eyes fell upon one in particular and it finally came to him. 'I want to drag HER off into that cozy cave and fuck the shit out of her. I want to wrap her hairy legs around my neck and make her scream with ecstasy. I want to be in a tangle of legs and arms, by the fire, under a wooly mammoth skin, smelling her and feeling her next to me. I want that bitch to be my cave baby mama... how in the world am I ever going to get her to love me?'

Over the next few days, he rattled all of this new information around in his head. He knew he couldn't express it to her in words because "Grunt, grunt, gesture, gesture" could be interpreted a lot of ways. Finally, it hit him. The only way he could express to her his intentions to kill a wooly mammoth and take over the role of alpha, cave and all, was to do it. If he tried to communicate it with language she'd simply smile and nod, before walking away. He didn't want to trick her or have to resort to bashing her over the head and raping her before she came to. He wanted her to pick him cuz he was the biggest and strongest and most capable of taking care of her and their cave babies...

He drifted off to sleep that night with his hand resting gently on her ankle. Or at least he was pretty sure it was her ankle. He knew he'd touched her many times but it hadn't meant anything before. Now he wanted to feel her and for her to feel him. He was glad for the opportunity to give her his touch, even if was just her ankle. But he knew he wanted more. He wanted her all to himself and the only way to do that was to elevate her to Queen status so she would be able to devote her time and attention to him. As worker bees, this ankle action was the most he could hope to give to or get from her.

He awoke early again and wriggled his way carefully out of the pile of warm bodies. He gathered his supplies in his Mountain Equipment Co-op knapsack and set out. He looked back at the huddle and saw her. She'd awoken and was watching him walk across the clearing. He felt a rush in his heart, and loins. He stopped feeling sure she must know his intentions. And felt relieved. Maybe he wouldn't have to go to all that trouble after all. He started to take a hesitant step back toward the huddle and saw the shadow of doubt cross her face. He stopped again and saw the cloud pass as he began to turn away from the huddle. He looked toward the caveand nodded at her seeing the unabashed relief in her face. He knew what he had to do win her trust and ultimately her favour if he wanted those beautiful child bearing hips to be in his hands while they danced in the moonlight to the sound of crickets and loons... because that would be a hell of a lot better than being on tiger duty overnights.

He was gone for a couple of weeks having adventures too wild to tell. She began to wonder if he was a goner. The rest of the group felt an irritation in his absence. He was really strong and they needed his labour to keep all these mouths fed. And he was a good problem solver. They realized what a contribution he'd made and how it was missed. Before they'd only noticed his 5000 calorie diet and the fact that he needed a bigger sheep skin cape. After a while they simply adjusted and since there was no language to put the experience into a frame of reference they simply concluded, without conversation, that the circle of his life had completed itself or that he'd met some ho a few towns over and was pussy whipped into staying.

Then one day, he ambled back into the clearing where they'd set up shop. Everyone stopped. He had a new light about him. He was a bit of a wreck, covered in gouges, scrapes and scratches, healing nicely but all the same, a diary of events. He was recovering from a sunburn and looked like he hadn't made acquaintance with a washbasin and facecloth during his absence. But there was an air about. He was stronger, that much was obvious. He seemed taller. His eyes more wise. Frankly, the group was a little shocked, they'd assumed him dead, filed away in a walk-in freezer with a John Doe tag on his toe.

He walked with such confidence and purpose that they simply moved out of his way as he went directly to the wash up station. He held his hands out and the jug of hand wash water was quickly grabbed up by an available female who wanted nothing more than to be his cave bitch. Though she didn't know why exactly, just knew she felt it very strongly. Caught up as she was in his aura and her automatic response to it she didn't notice her rival making her way toward them...

He saw her purposeful movement and turned his attention to her fully as she bitch slapped the other female and took the jug from her hands before hipchecking her out of the tableaux. She didn't know if he'd come through. But he was back so presumably he was making good on his declaration of intention. She was sure she hadn't misread their communications the morning he left. She knew he'd been holding her ankle the night before he left. If he was back, it meant he'd fulfilled the contract they'd set out. So she poured the water out onto his outstretched hands as a gesture of her trust that he'd done as he claimed he would... which was to get that wooly mammoth and then get that cave.

He scrubbed at his hands and then pointed at the jug and then at his head as he knelt down in front of her. Her eyes went to the river, where they usually showered. Not in judgment but with a twinkle in her eye that said, 'What are you up to if you're not going to take a real bath?' She poured the water over his head as he'd requested because she wanted to know what was next.  She felt that she'd been absolutely right to trust her instincts on this guy. She felt an excitement in caring for him this way. Her behaviour toward the other woman was surprising to her but she knew it simply meant that she really dug this guy and would stop at nothing to be his cave baby mama.

After this public show of their loyalties, he felt he was able to fulfill the rest of the contract. He knew she was into it. That it really had been her ankle, that his intentions were clear to her and she knew he was committed to this intentions and not just blowing smoke up her ass... what the fuck is with that expression anyway?

So, he turns to the group and points at a bunch of the bigger males. With a grunt and a gesture toward the only road outta town he turned and left again. Of course the brutes followed. They even kept a few others from joining in their reindeer games. THEY had been selected, this was an exclusive party and you fuckers ain't on the VIP list. So off they went. And you can guess what happened next, he delegated to his new bitches to carry that wooly mammoth the rest of the way back to camp. And when they got there, his cave bitch had a big ole fire burning. She knew her man wasn't feeding them squirrel tonight so she set about building a huge fire and the rest of them followed because she seemed to know what the score was.

He walked right up to her, twenty paces ahead of the grunts hawling the meat with a bounce in his step. He put his arm around her shoulder holding her clos and smelling her cavelady stink that he liked so much. He thought about how the memory of holding her ankle had kept him sane thoughout his sojourn and how happy he was to finally hold her next to him and feel her rhythms. It was exactly as he'd hoped. They stood next to the roaring fire as he gestured to the grunts to throw down his offering. She smiled at him knowingly and hugged him closer in acceptance of his gesture.

He kissed her roughly on the forehead, as a way of saying "thank you for feeling my heart, you're the best, babe." He knew he didn't have to micromanage her delegation of the meat tasks. This bitch was so fine she already had a bonfire blazing to bbq this carcass up to perfection, before he'd even proven to her he had a carcass. Just as he felt the pang of hunger in his gut the smell of meat reached him. He realized it'd been days since he'd eaten that possum and he was ravenous. A female came up to them carrying a Cave Fried Chicken box and handed it gingerly to his special cave lady friend. He felt so overjoyed. He really  had picked the best bitch in the pack. They went over to the picnic table and she watched him inhale his happy meal as she sat stroking his hair and back, full of joy for the energy he'd expended so far to jump through all of her if-you-wanna-be-my-cave-baby-daddy hoops. She realized he was sincere and she could trust him. It felt so wonderful. He was going to take care of her, too.

After the meal he rose again, pulling her to her feet and embracing her fully. It was the first time they'd hugged fully, body to body. They both felt so full and wonderful. They didn't feel the burden of their remaining tasks. He felt like he could conquer a whole army of alpha cave dwellers and she felt the rush of excitement about her tasks as well. In fact they both just wanted to get the work done so they could get on to their honeymoon.

He pulled away looking at her warmly and then looked toward the cave. She became excited. Seeing him act all manly was stirring up feelings in her she hadn't been aware of. She stepped back and smiled at him before turning to the carcass which was well under way to being ready for the spit. And he strode up the mountainside to the cave. He didn't knock because caves don't have doors, but strode in as though he already owned the place.

The alpha was napping as his cave lady lounged eating chicken wings. She sat straight up thinking there must some emergency if he was daring to walk in like that. He gestured toward the door not wanting her to have to see what was to come.  She gathered her deer skin around herself  and held her bucket of wings closely, unsure of what was happening and walked slowly toward the exit.

When she'd gone he took a deep breath and let out a roar, that would have scared Satan himself, startling the alpha awake. He advanced on him, puffing up his chest, throwing his shoulders back and standing up on tip toe. The alpha knew immediately what was going on and that he'd already been caught off guard and that for a split secong his fear had already read out on his face like a neon billboard. He scrambled back in his cave bed away from his rival who simply advanced more.

Making his feet the alpha became aware that sleeping naked has it's disadvantages. He wasn't prepared to fight for his throne without his loincloth. Where was his bitch? A million thoughts racing through his mind as the new alpha advanced further now beating his chest and roaring. He tried to puff up and beat his chest in retaliation but he felt like he couldn't draw a full breath. He made a desperate attempt to growl back at his assailant. It came out as a terrified sort of mewling and he knew the gig was up. As a last resort he made out to strike his opponent but he'd been backed into a corner and couldn't deliver any of the blows with any momentum which he knew was the only way to gain force. He knew he was fucked and just wanted to cry out of frustration and fear.

Suddenly the surprise attack stopped and the new alpha backed off, pointing at the exit. In a last ditch effort to maintain his place as alpha he threw himself toward the new alpha trying to bite out his jugular. The ensuing knock out was the thing cartoons are made of as the new alpha simply drove his fist into the others face, stopping him cold before he slumped to the floor. Wasting no time he grabbed his ankle and dragged him out of the cave.

He looked out over his 'hood, seeing life from a whole new angle. He took a deep breath and roared out into the sky. He was making his claim on the alpha position and challenging any of the others to step the fuck up, right here and now, if they wanted to challenge his authority on the subject. Also as a way of saying, "There ain't no landlord/tenant act up in he'e, get your shit outta my place before me and my woman get back from the sauna in a few hours or there is going to be hell to pay!"

Soooo, long story slightly shortened, the new alpha and his lady headed on down to ye olde waterfall and they had the longest, hottest shower of their lives. Afterwards they lounged about. She rubbed his tired and aching shoulders with oil and he lightly caressed her all over to express to her how fucking beautiful she was to him and how much all this bullshit had been worth it despite how tired he felt right now. They had a sauna loving that it was too hot to touch each other much but that they finally could just relax and enjoy the fruits of their labours. So then they both got pedicures. The sushi rolls had been a good snack but after a while all the tantra made them ravenous so they meandered back to the 'hood where a fine feast was ready.

The wine came in a box, the fennel in the salad was a little overgrown and woody tasting, the pasta was overcooked, there was no lemon for the water,  the flowers in the centrepieces weren't in full bloom, the clouds blotted out the moonlight at times. But they didn't care. It was the best meal they'd ever eaten. The best block party they'd ever had in their 'hood. And everyone agreed.

After they'd gorged themselves on the feast and had their fill of hilarious but racist jokes she tapped his elbow gently to get his attention. Mimicking the movements he'd made earlier when he'd wanted her to pour the water over his head and gesturing for him to get down on his knee again. He was new at all this awesomeness so his first thought was "Wtf? What now?" but above that thought he thought "This bitch is awesome, if this isn't more awesome it's gotta be a path to awesome, so shit, I'm just gonna go with it". And so he knelt there and she draped herself over his shoulder... so he could cart her back off to their cave. And it wasn't because she wanted to watch Jeopardy. He didn't care if the sex or her cooking was bad because ultimately, if it was awful he already had a woolly mammoth on line to barter with the next month and he could pick another hot cave lady outta the mix. Maybe the one who tried to wash his hands earlier.

And later, after their glorious coitus he drifted off to sleep thinking on how he might be able to pull in two mammoths a month so he could entice the handwashing cutie in to the circle of love, too. Cuz he sure wasn't going to stop providing mammoths for this little sex pot snoring lightly beside him... fin.

Wow, that was a lot of words to express the idea that actions speak louder than words. But it's the truth. Anyone can make grunts and gestures to express their intentions of a chunk of carcass and sexy love cave. But if you can't produce, through action, she's just going to nod and smile at you before walking away.

The woolly mammoth you are offering to her is the allowance, gifts, or etc. Until your action backs up your claims, these intentions are just empty promises. A series of meaningless grunts and gestures. Whether their mammoth feast fed Louis Vitton dealers or landlords or university clerks who process tuition payments is irrelevant. Your specific arrangement is what it is. But just like the new alpha, you have to throw down that currency to prove to her that you can meet her needs. Believe it or not, a lot of people claim they can provide a sugar lifestyle but have no real money to fulfill their end of the agreement. And who's going to buy the cow when they can get the milk for free? Wait, a sec! I'm no cow and I'm not lactating.

If you can't be completely trustable to her, you won't have her tapping your elbow to bend down and then haul her off to the cave. Yes, literally and figuratively.

The way you prove you are worthy of her sweetness is to do exactly what you say you will do... not this typical business of "I will say whatever it takes to get her pants off." Sugar babies are more ruthless than all that. She'll make sure you back up those claims before she'll be able to give back. It's business, baby. The alpha didn't have to produce a turkey big enough for two because he needed a chunk of meat big enough to barter with because there is a lot more to life than dinner. He saw the cost benefit of paying off the rest of the tribe to build the feast so they could just go and enjoy being alive. The rest of the group built the fire because she was paying in promised meat. But, with all due respect, if you make a liar of her and/or if she has to go hunt her own eatin' and/or barterin' meat, she's not going to wanna hang out with your sorry ass when she comes home exhausted from doing your part and still has to build a fire, too.

The age old question of "How do I get her naked and purring?" has a simple answer. Her allowance. If you've met and are agreeing to go out again, it means you're both interested in the trade. Together you agree to a number and then you produce it. It doesn't mean she will strip naked, right there at the restaurant. The two or three month trial period you agree to is just that, a two or three month trial period to see if you have the right chemistry to make a successful ongoing relationsugar. It doesn't mean you get to change the number until she "produces the goods". Realistically, it's better than agreeing to a year term before you even know if you like having sex together. She wants to know if she can trust what you say and when she feels she can then you can find out if she produces the good feelings you are looking for. These things take time. Or you are simply looking for a sex for cash arrangement more commonly known as a prostitute. No judgements of course but it's better to know what you're looking for than to waste time with disillusion.

Producing the allowance is your chunk of meat offering. That she can take out in the world and barter with so she can have time to be available for waterfall showers. With you. Now just to be clear, waterfall showers are not a requirement of a relationsugar. All of it is opt-in and by design. She is a consultant. And if she feels like your company is trying to take advantage of her company, she'll become unavailable. If she can see that you are fulfilling those promises, she'll become more and more available. And you will get her pants off. Without having to knock her over the head with a rock.

So, alternately, if you pull the old bait and switch trick, she will less inclined to trust your sincerity. Bait and switch is when one thing is agreed upon and then that's not the truth when you show up to buy the alleged motorcycle and find that's it's actually a bicycle. If you agree and then have a consultation without her about the structure. And then make and act on a decision based on that solo consultation, you're not doing what you said you would. If you'd hired someone at work under the pretenses of a $150 000 annual salary and benefits and perks, would you expect them to remain loyal when you revealed that you were paying a third, "the benefits" were a monthly bus pass, except during the summer when you'd be laid off (oops, did you forget to mention that in the interview?) and that "the perks" consist of the shitty drip coffee only costing a quarter, rather than a full dollar. Lol, maybe you would expect them to stick around and work their asses off. But would you? Frankly, would you even stick around for the first coffee date if a woman claimed to be tall and fit and pretty and then a short and fat and unfortunate looking woman showed up for your first meeting?

This is a journey of discovery for us.  We did not sign up to find fault with each other, only to bring out our best.  Beyond my companionship and friendship, if a sugar daddy gets out of form, I know I'm signed up to overlook that. To a degree. And then my companionship and friendship takes the form of something like therapy.  I am an anonymous form of feminine love reaching out from the depth of the universe, to you. If you bring me that mammoth when you say you will. Or I will find a caveman who will ;)

Glossary of Terms

Glossary of terms: random clarifications on my language use. Watch for additional terms, misunderstandings within language are rampant in our world, the School of Sugar is here to set you straight.

Sugarelations: Clearly defined and designed interactions based on genuine interest and self-interest in helping each other enjoy a better life. Negotiations pertaining to an arrangement.

Arrangement: A contract each party can count on, co-designed to satisfy each other's needs for stress relief, based not on obligation or responsibility but rather a true desire to revel in the giving and receiving that is uniquely ours.

Relationsugar: Interactions based on clearly defined and designed goals generally pertaining to all the fun stuff a relationship has to offer without the traditional progression to cohabitation, curtain rod hanging, picket fences, marriage, offspring and Saturday BBQs.

Relationship: ANY interaction you have with another thing, animate or inanimate. Relationship does not soley pertain to man/woman relations but also to the interactions you have with the gas attendant or the clerk at the convenience store or your employees or your wife or etc. etc. etc. One of the most commonly misinterpreted words in the English language.

Oh Sugar, Beware

Many of these posts will be from my perspective. The babe's. It doesn't matter if you're in a same sex relationship, just interchange, his for her's and/or she for he, where necessary.

We could sit and debate all day about the difference between keeping a mistress (sugar babe) and enlisting the services of a prostitute (or whatever the politically correct term is these days). But I can sum it up in a single word: commitment.

Ladies, beware any suitor who even alludes to a per visit "arrangement". He is looking for a prostitute, with the heart of gold of course. Whether he is able to admit it or not.You're not her, or you're in the wrong class. Sex trade worker school is one room over. The professor is great, you'll learn a lot! Now get out so we can get back to class.

So, from the suitor's perspective, especially if this is a first time experience, it can be intimidating and a little scary to throw a three or six or nine grand allowance at an almost stranger. But you don't want the same experiences you've had, so you can't keep doing the same things. If you want to bed this lady eventually, take the leap and make that commitment to her in dollars and sense. And see if she fulfills her end of the agreement of spending Wednesday afternoons with you, feeling into your heart because she is free to just be present and attentive, just for you. It's what you came to Sugar Land for.

I can hear you, "Wait- WTF is the agreement here? I throw out a wad of cash on a maybe?" I know. Sometimes it can be a bit much to live ahead by a century (of the rest) but here we are. And you can't look backward and forward at the same time. So, what'll it be?

Let me be glib. You can either go to the nursery and pay for a flower pot and some dirt and seeds and fertilizer and a watering can and grow yourself a pretty little flower. Or you can go to the nursery and pay for  a plant that is already flowering. The sugar babe requires that cultivation time of the wining and dining to open up to you and grow into the intimacy you are building. The prostitute is ready to go if you pony up with the cash. It's intimate but only so far as randomly grinding sex organs with a stranger can ever be. And it has it's place, don't get me wrong, these are simply statements of fact without judgement. But the idea of relationsugars is to cultivate that intimacy rather than assume your throwing down her allowance grants you access to her sweet booty before she has a chance to get to know you and want to tear your clothes off to give back the great feelings you are inspiring in her.

If you fulfill your commitment to the $5000 dollar allowance and act like a gentleman, she'll be up all over your dick in no time. Simply a figure of speech but if you act trustable, she will feel comfortable and the intimacy you're looking for will happen. And it will be amazing or entirely disappointing when you get to the sex. That's the gamble in any relationship. If it's great, you're relieved and happy to post date a year's worth of cheques.  If it's workable but not awful you still feel relieved and happy to write the cheques cuz you feel that once you get to know each other's bodies better the sex will definitely improve. And frankly, if it's awful between you, because she's a cold fish, or there just isn't any naked chemistry, or bad physics, or you're kinky and she's vanilla, or whatever other reason people use to decide not to share condoms again, you can simply say, "Thanks for the great times we shared but we aren't compatible lovers so this isn't going to work out... Did you say you had a friend looking for a sugar daddy? Is it too soon to ask for her number?" Never say this while you're still in bed.

We're here to be and bring out the best. There is a nice way to reject someone, and a shithead version. Let's all practice being sugary sweet to each other regardless of the outcome. If we lead by example maybe some of the rest will catch up to where we are and we'll have inadvertently helped to co-design a society where you could actually say to your wife "Honey, I'm going golfing with the boys this afternoon, and then I was really hoping to catch a few hours with the sugar babe. Do you mind if I'm not around for dinner?" And she can respond, "All good, I just got a text from my lesbian lover wondering if I am available to drop everything and go have a fantastic weekend in Paris. Are you cool with eating out this weekend? Lol, you'll be eating out this weekend all right. Have a great game, hon. I'll see you in a few days."