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Sunday 25 September 2011

Glossary of Terms

Glossary of terms: random clarifications on my language use. Watch for additional terms, misunderstandings within language are rampant in our world, the School of Sugar is here to set you straight.

Sugarelations: Clearly defined and designed interactions based on genuine interest and self-interest in helping each other enjoy a better life. Negotiations pertaining to an arrangement.

Arrangement: A contract each party can count on, co-designed to satisfy each other's needs for stress relief, based not on obligation or responsibility but rather a true desire to revel in the giving and receiving that is uniquely ours.

Relationsugar: Interactions based on clearly defined and designed goals generally pertaining to all the fun stuff a relationship has to offer without the traditional progression to cohabitation, curtain rod hanging, picket fences, marriage, offspring and Saturday BBQs.

Relationship: ANY interaction you have with another thing, animate or inanimate. Relationship does not soley pertain to man/woman relations but also to the interactions you have with the gas attendant or the clerk at the convenience store or your employees or your wife or etc. etc. etc. One of the most commonly misinterpreted words in the English language.

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